1800’s – The deeds for Merrifield date back to the 1800’s , and there have been considerable changes in ownership, building structure, usage and acreage over the years.
1923 – Sale by Auction of ‘Desirable Small Holding’ known as Merrifield Farm – comprising of stone-built thatched farmhouse, stone-built thatched cow house, horse stable, open linhay, two pig houses and 15 acres of land.
1964 (June) – This photo shows the house and surrounding land, where a pig farm and a vegetable garden is located at the rear of house; and a garage was where the pampas grass is now on the front lawn.

1989 – Sale of ‘Residential Farm’ known as Merrifield – comprising of farmhouse, two small stone/cob-built barns, further outbuildings, garage, and 13 acres of land. The farmhouse was demolished and the current Merrifield House as we know it was built from the ground up.
2000 – Sale of house known as Merrifield and renamed to Spread Eagles, and stood within 24 acres of land.
2020 – Sale of house known as Spread Eagles and renamed to Merrifield House by Donna & Marcus, and now stands in 2 acres of land.
TODAY – We are proud to generate all our own electricity via solar panels and our water comes from a bore hole. In addition, we try to reduce the use of single use plastic, recycle and upcycle waste and unwanted items, compost biodegradable food waste, use sustainable materials, use natural cleaning products and offer plant-based eco-friendly toiletries in our guest rooms – all as much as we can.
2023/2024 – We plan to Devon hedge-lay the trees bordering our land, build an allotment and plant 500 trees to help offset any carbon footprint and enhance natural habitats for local wildlife.